If I come over to the composition and go to Composition Settings this is gonna show me all of that resolution. So we can see here that this is 3,000 by 2,200 pixels. So again, what that's gonna do is automatically create a composition with all of the resolution in that original file. So I'm gonna simply just drag and drop this right into the composition area. Let's grab our cutting board, let's drag this into our project file. So, again, we're gonna keep all the resolution that we started with in the original Photoshop file. And then, when we take that artwork and drag it into the composition area, After Effects will actually create a composition for us automatically based on the size of that original jpeg file or Photoshop file. And so what we're gonna do is bring that cutting board into the project panel inside of After Effects. And then we can re-launch After Effects if it crashes. Let's go back to our project files and let's grab the cutting_board.jpeg file. And so with the project closed, I'm basically in a new, untitled project which I can see in the toolbar, in the upper right-hand corner. Inside of After Effects, I'm gonna come down and choose Close Project. So what we're gonna do is, let's go back over to After Effects. And while you can do this in Photoshop, using things like Color Range, this workflow is gonna be incredibly faster in a tool like After Effects. This will give us the ability to quickly key out that content. You wanna make sure that the background that you're shooting against doesn't appear in the main subject matter. Typically a blue screen or a green screen, but you can use any color screen. So, one of the interesting things that we like to do when we're shooting in our photography studio is if we're doing any sort of product or object photography we will put that content on a solid color.